Skylar Tibbits


It is a rare architect who doesn’t want his buildings to be built. But Skylar Tibbits, a Philadelphia-based generative architect, experiments with new ways of creating space, and he doesn’t care whether or not his process yields habitable structures. Tibbits is interested in mathematical logic, and he develops algorithms that generate three-dimensional structures based on principles like fractals, recursion, and tessellation. Since he works directly from the math, Tibbits never knows what his end result will look like, and his designs rarely conform to conventional notions of buildings — one resembles a roller coaster, another looks like a pair of wings. “It’s never initially about developing space,” Tibbits says. “You’re developing relationships or organizations or scientific rules, and out of that comes space.” (source SeedMagazine)

Movie Night


“Everything is free except the video that we capture of you – that we own!”

Un portret fascinant al istoriei recente a umanitatii afectate de tehnologie, acest film documenteaza experimentele extreme ale unui “Warhol al internetului” care la inceputul anilor ’90 a prezis un viitor in care oamenii isi vor afisa vietile online.
…“People don’t want 15 minutes of fame in their lifetime. People want 15 minutes of fame everyday”
Suna cunoscut cu ce se intampla acum? facebook, myspace, twitter, Big Brother?
Ne intrebam ce urmeaza…

Un film prezentat de Laura Chifriuc, arhitecta/designer, in practica curenta face experimente spatiale si cercetare urbana. Este interesata de filme ce prezinta realitati sociale.

Unde: Make a Point (incinta Postavaria Romana), Morarilor 1. Sector 2. Bucuresti. 022451. Romania

Cand: Joi, 18 noiembrie 2010. Incepem la ora 20:00.

Intrarea libera!

Pentru alte surprize intra pe blog:

Neri Oxman


Founder of Materiology

One stunning personality. The 33-year-old has created FAB.REcology, a fabrication machine that changes the very nature of a material as it is printed, taking the process far beyond the current abilities
of rapid prototyping.

“Imagine you are feeding concrete into the machine and you have some sort of mechanism that controls its density,” Oxman says. “The concrete can come out very dense and thick, or it can come out very porous.” Areas that are load bearing would be solid, while those that provide ventilation and light would be permeable, dramatically reducing material redundancy and energy demands. “The architect becomes this composer that controls material distribution,” she says. “It’s no longer about the shape of a building but rather its behavior.” And though Oxman is now limited to feeding the relevant environmental data into the machine at the lab, she imagines the technology evolving into a giant robot that would survey conditions and print a building on-site.

Presentation for SeedMagazine: Revolutionary Minds

Pop Tech Presentation on Designing Form:

Plastic Nation


I spent this morning reading about a research project developed by terreform new york architecture organization called “Plastic Nation” trying to develop new design methods for synthetic materials.

The results are far from being something trully innovative, but through it i discovered the intense frenzy around using plastic bottles as design/construction materials – had no idea it’s extended soo much. The problem that i always had with this material is that the end result usually looks amatory and kitch.

Well…not anymore! A designer called Aurora Robson totally changed my view on plastic bottles.

Check video out: